Bar + Vegan Pearl
Our letter bar is brass-plated and measures 4.7mm x 4.7mm with a varying length of 2 cm, 3 cm, and 4 cm.
A maximum of characters allowed including spaces: 5 characters for 2 cm bar, 9 characters for 3 cm bar, and 13 characters for 4 cm bar.
- A horizontal bar allows engraving on 3 sides: Front, Back, Top (Bottom text is not allowed).
A vertical bar allows engraving on 4 sides: Front, Back, Left, Right.
Characters allowed for bar: all uppercase letters A-Z, numbers 0-9, space, symbols & @ ? # ! ( ) : " , . and ♡
Our vegan pearl is man-made from thermoplastic that can be recycled and measures approximately 8mm in diameter.
Custom-made to order in our London studio. No two pieces are the same, irregularities add character and should be appreciated taking on its own beautiful identity.